Latest Episodes

Episode 51: The Wholesaling Machine with Cole Ruud-Johnson
This week we are joined by Cole Ruud-Johnson. This fellow Bigger-Pocket's guest, has been into the real estate game for quite some time, but...

Episode 50: The Art Of Raising Money with Brandon Turner
This week we celebrate the 50th episode of The Chasing Freedom Podcast and what a better way to celebrate than having on the grandfather...

Episode 49: 150 BRRRR's & Two Employees with Andrew Glisson
This week Noah is pleased to welcome Andrew Glisson on the podcast. He is a big time flipper out of the Memphis Tennessee area,...

Episode 48: Fast Tracking with Brian Luebben
This week Noah is joined by his new friend Brian Luebben. Brian Luebben is a Real Estate Investor, Podcaster, and Entrepreneur out of Atlanta,...

Episode 47: Business & Life Update Mini-Sod
This week Noah gives us a brief update on his hunt for a "Boutique Motel" in order to grow his Short Term Rental portfolio....

Episode 46: 100 Houses A Year To $25 Million in Syndications with Leigh and Victor Leite
This week I have on two very special guest, Leigh and Victory Leite! Traditionally, the Leite's work in the healthcare industry, but after seeing...